Mima's World

By SheilaJellison

A sort of emergency blip.....I was called to report for jury duty today, but was not selected to sit on a jury, so most of us were excused by noon.  HOWEVER, I had to be there at 8 a.m., which meant I had to be awake at SIX a.m. to get ready and get myself to the court building.  I really don't like getting up that early, so by 2 p.m., I was in desperate need of a nap.  Between taking the nap, finishing writing the Christmas cards so I can mail them, preparing dinner, eating dinner.....well, you get the idea.  It's 8:25 p.m. and I just now picked up the camera to see what was available for something interesting to post. 
This lovely car is a pillow we have put out on the sofa as part of the Christmas decorations.  I think it's my husband's favorite.  It's some of the only SNOW you will see in Florida.....

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