A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Back in the tank

First piece of good news of the day is that we made it back to the tank. The journey and the dive were pretty tough for the boy but he thinks he just needs to get used to it again and in a couple of days will be okay. It probably wasn't helped by the sweet little 6 year old girl losing it completely at the end and crying, screaming and banging on the door to be let out. Anyway we made it and are back in the diving tank saddle which feels good. And here it is for those curious as to what I've been banging on about.

The second piece of good news came hours later just as I was leaving to go out to the cinema. J asked if it would be possible for us to go and watch Star Wars in the cinema. And if so when. I said we could go on Friday if he wanted to and he said he thinks he would but was worried there won't be any tickets left. Now it just so happens that about a month ago we optimistically decided to buy tickets for Friday on the off chance. Still no idea if we will be there but the fact he even thinks he might be able to is really quite exciting.

And I've had a lovely evening out at our local cinema watching Carol. Walked there with a neighbour and learned that it is not long for this world before it becomes a block of flats. Or apartment block as I'm sure the marketing literature will say. Still, a very beautifully shot and scored film.

A much more optimistic Monday than a week ago. Let's hope it bodes well.

Lesley x

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