Bay spread

Colder today but still SW. The hazy, misty light of yesterday is replaced by sharpers greys. Less inviting. I wandered around the outside of some of the old gun emplacement bunkers looking for inspiration.

But I ended up back down in the bay. Course sand and fine shingle everywhere. the big flint cobbles have gone AWOL. They normally return but I feel a cliff fall (not me, the chalk) coming.

I continue my studies in black and white. How my photography has improved (says I) and branched out since joining Blipfoto nearly a year ago. Thank you, fellow Blippers for the endless inspiration and for the will to get out each day and do it. And thanks to JT, GMcL and all the iterations of the crew and backers, investors and owners who made this possible. And sorry for being a pain in the ass.

Looks better bigger. And a bunker for pudding.

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