The countdown
This morning I had a few minutes of utter elation thinking that it was the last early morning Monday get-up I'd have to do for a few weeks. And then came the realisation that I have a meeting next Monday which means catching the 7.30 train. How quickly elation can turn to despair.
Amazing team time this morning which definitely made the early morning worth it. Then Trivolle where, unfortunately, the boys beat us this week. Andy made me promise that I would make sure I mentioned our defeat on my blip. Fortunately we've got a training session booked in for Wednesday where we hope to hone our Trivolle skills in time for SYFC to take on the rest of the country at Conference in January.
Today I gave Malesi some tidying up / clearing out jobs which I soon regretted when I realised she'd be sat behind me, giggling at old books all morning. There's nothing quite like that giggle to put you right off your flow.
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