Mobile : Capable of moving or of being moved readily from place to place
We went over to a well-known local store today, supposedly to look for a birthday present for me - as I have a BIG birthday coming up very soon - sadly the mission was unsuccessful so Mr. HCB is no further forward now than he was when we went out!
Of course, we had to stop for a coffee (but no cake) and I noticed this man halfway up a ladder with a sign waiting to be erected, and I wondered if his name was John! I know it’s stretching it a bit to say a ladder is mobile, but it IS capable of being moved readily from place to place!
I had my Canon camera with the long zoom, so asked a couple sitting at a table next to the window if they would mind me taking a photograph. They asked why I was taking a photograph of a man on a ladder, so I told them about Blip and they were very interested in the concept.
I must admit to getting a fit of the giggles in church yesterday (and this scene reminded me of my amusement yesterday) when we heard the story of the conception and birth of John the Baptist - the verses that made me giggle were from Luke 1 : 62-64:
They used sign language to ask Zachariah what he wanted him named. Asking for a TABLET, Zachariah wrote, “His name is to be John.” That took everyone by surprise.
I wonder if the tablet was an Apple or a Samsung?
The great thing about getting older
is that you become more mellow.
Things aren't as black and white,
and you become much more tolerant.
You can see the good in things
much more easily
rather than getting enraged
as you used to do
when you were young.
Maeve Binchy
P.S. You can even giggle in church when you are older!!
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