A Holiday Tradition

Tim arrived last evening with Maya and Owen for the annual gingerbread house candy extravaganza. Maya and I got out the blow up beds and comforters and did a little knitting while Tim and Owen went to cousin Will's basketball game. 

It rained during the night with a few squalls this morning that drove the rain sideways and in swirling whirlpool-like patterns. I love living in a place where we can watch the drama of the skies from the comfort of the house!

Dana came by to borrow our wellies to wear to the Christmas tree farm to cut a tree. It was pouring rain and she rushed in and out because she left Jim and Blake in the car in the pouring rain. We all shook our heads and commented on the fact that not only did she go in the pouring rain but she somehow convinced Jim to go along. She sent a picture of a huge tree backed up by blue skies and said the weather was "perfect" Modifications will have to be made to to either the living room or the tree to fit it in the house.

Once we had finished breakfast and walked down to check out the creek (rising) Ithe kids decorated the gingerbread houses with candy they bought during a trip to Powell's old fashioned candy store after Thanksgiving. I even found a little stash of candy canes left over from last year. We all wound up covered in frosting and sugar. It was difficult to get a shot of Owen without his fingers in his mouth, so I finally chose one of him with one finger in his mouth and one in the sugar. Tim drove off with two boxes in the car, houses inside teetering dangerously. Note to self: next year make frosting that hardens!

I gave my phone to Owen, who sometimes has trouble containing his excess energy, and told him to run up and down the hall until he had 100 steps whenever he felt like beating up his sister. It worked  quite well, so I gave him my Fitbit. 

I ran across the picture in the extra as we were looking at gingerbread houses of yore. Tim says he wears it to play basketball now as it has seen better days. It would have been hard pressed to be a better day here, especially when Maya wished that weekends were longer and Owen said, "It's fun to come here"….

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