Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

'Summer Holiday' Day 2: Mountain Biking

Today was day 2 of our 'summer holiday' and we went toGlentress near Peebles to go mountain biking.

Since I chose our destination yesterday, today was K's choice. Despite the drizzly weather we headed off at lunchtime and for the most part the weather was cloudy but dry. The rain did make the trails a bit more on the muddy side but this just added to the fun!

Now most people who know me, know I'm not naturally athletic and its been about 6 years since I was last on a bike (my bottom is paying for that part!!) and after a bit of a shakey start and initial reluctance, I really got into today's activity and had a blast.

K. took this photo, but I wanted to share a rare photo of me and one where I am obviously enjoying something that I never thought I would!

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