Hectic Day

Here are Ella and Nathaniel showing me their Christmas tree. They are dressed in party clothes for cousin Thomas's third party. I hoped to post a blip of him at his party but it was such carnage my photos were hopeless. (He had a shared party with a friend so there were 22 children, 44 parents and a few grandparents at Splat in Whitely Bay)

. I managed to do 10,000 steps in the soft play, just tracking his brother, 13 months old James, called "the stunt man." by his nursery. Up and down climbs and slides. Other grandparents at the party sat on a sofa and were brought cups of coffee.

It ended up with horrible parent panic - Most people, including me with Ella, had gone, when the parents realised James was nowhere to be seen. After that horrible few minutes, he was found at the top of the big slide, having got himself back into the soft play, and done some big climbing to get to the slide.

Let's not tell who showed him the way up there the first time.

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