
By BikerJim

~The Early Bird~

~And The Cholla Cactus~

I was up early this morning and enjoyed the rising sun.
Though it looks like I was not the only one to do the same.
Both of us realize the therapeutic advantages of sunshine.
Especially when the early morning air still has chill to it.

Thanks for sitting in the morning sun with me.

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Epilogue #12

I've been thinking lately about the ways the Blip has change my life.
I'll do my Pro and Con thing again, it helps keep my thoughts together.

Pros - I would have never guessed where I'd be, photographically, almost a year ago. I joined the Blip primarily to learn how to use my Canon point and shoot. Now I'm able to manipulate the 40d without taking my eye away from the viewfinder. And I'm much more able to control my images using the cameras buttons and knobs. The post processing, well, I'm amazed at what I am able to accomplish in Photoshop. But I will be the first to admit that I am miles and miles away from where I want to be, photographically, in all these areas.
When I drive down the road or walk down a trail my eyes are constantly searching out targets for my image collection. I'm drawn, inexplicably to contrasts, shapes, patterns, animals, oddities, plants, light and dark, prettiness, and beauty in the not so beautiful.
I have learned to be more disciplined in my camera work, post-processing, deadlines, and scheduling. And working all this around my other life. I know what will work for an image, by assessing my cameras limitations. In my post-processing, more is not always better, given my tendencies for over-saturation. And if I miss a day and have to back-blip, it seems that it takes me twice as long to get back in sync. Heaven forbid, if I blow off going out to photograph a subject, at the end of the day I'm running around like a madman trying to get that image for the day.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of the wonderful things the Blip has done for me, but I'd just like to say, "Thanks Blip!"

Cons - I now have calluses on my hand and index finger from excessive camera usage. When I drive down the road I am much more dangerous to other drivers, small children and stray dogs. And I won't even begin to list the perils of riding around on my motorcycle, forget hurting other drivers, small children and stray dogs, I could really hurt BikerJim!
People I use to hang with don't recognize me anymore, I am now wearing a camera in front of my face. And new people I want to meet, won't have anything to do with me, "Who is that strange guy wearing a camera in front of my face?" Actually these last few things probably should have been listed in the above section, I truly like my hermit tendencies.
My life is now totally centered around the Blip. Photography, camera, images, seeing, art, computer, awareness of my surrounding, etc. Now this may change a little after reaching 365. I can't imagine much of a change though, I'm just to darn Blip-a-fided!!!

Edit - I have sensed a little anxiety in a few of the comments I have received since I started my Epilogues. A few of you seem to have concerns for me, regarding the negatives that I list in the Cons section. Have no fear my fellow blippers. These things that would appear to be true and horrible negatives are not. They are generally only mild nuisances, not anywhere near a major catastrophic issue. A major tribulation would include, but not be limited to, a toothache, running out of gas, go shopping without my wallet, forgetting to put batteries in my camera, go out in the backyard naked when I think know one will see me (and somebody does), while photographing a beautiful cactus I accidentally kneel in dog poop, while photographing dog poop I accidentally back into a cactus, well you get the general idea!
If things really were a problem, they would get changed, big time and quick time!

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