A notebook image for me

I've always found Blipfoto to be a useful notebook for my thoughts and a record of when I did things and I'm using this image to remind me where (and when) I'd got to with this print - so I'll be very sad to see the demise of Blipfoto and I am intending to support the fund raising efforts (today).  My year at Hot-Bed Press is coming to an end and I've been trying to think about a few prints that I began and didn't complete.  Back in April I was working on a series of lino-cuts - our task was to do a reduction set of prints, which I managed, but at the same time I did some experimental mono-prints using the first cut.  I felt they needed something else, but I've never been able to work out what.  For the last couple of weeks I've had copies of one of the prints pinned to the kitchen door which I've been drawing on.  Finally I took the plunge and decided to cut a final plate for the top.  At some stage you have to print it to see what you've got and then cut some more - so this is where I've got to.  So yes I'll have to cut some more to make some lines less heavy, but I'm also thinking that I can ink part of the plate using small rollers in different colours (probably shades of grey or brown) to make some of the lines more recessive.  I've got a few more originals to play around with - some of which I think will work better than others.  And I think I'm going to do a second year at Hot-Bed.  It throws up some challenges for me because I live so far away but I think I'll benefit from some continuity and the support this coming year.  I'd also like to investigate other print studios closer to home this year.

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