Yellow like the Sun

We are having a severe thunderstorm just now.  It feels as if the house was coming down as it was shaking all the walls and windows.  A few hours ago we had a severe hail storm. It sounded like marbles hitting the windows and the ground looked as if it had snowed. 

 I can't see the lilies from where I am but I would say they would have been badly battered around. 

I did manage to get this shot just before the hail storm. John helped me today outside when I asked but a few hours later when the sun was gone and the temperature dropped dramatically. As I have to have help getting the wheelchair outside. I use the walker to get to the wheelchair. Then I can manage to get my plants in the pots watered in pots. I am limited where I can go as I can't manage on the grass. 

The extra shot is the photo my youngest son sent me on Viber of the hail at his place.  

Here is a link of the storm

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