
By CharlieBrown

Good Grief 89

It seems to be a bit of a waiting game.
Going with the mood flow.
Today's tip for dealing with grief triggered depression is ...
If housebound and once you have given up curling up in despair, we suggest you put on your nearest Salsa CD on full blast and attempt to do a household job or two. If you fail, do not despair, an alternative is to dance badly for a bit, experiment with scissors which make a useful musical accompaniment in the absence of castanets and tambourines. Then try and arrange your camera and photograph the scene on a timer, use a stack of books ... not high enough? ... then get your husband's container of ashes and pop the camera on top of that so he too can join in ...
and dance ....

Later: I have had lots of roaming thoughts today ...
Practical - lots more to consider around mum's care.
Emotional - both the immediate, in terms of managing the day; the broader reflection on that and my default response; and, a blip-combining process prompted by other blippers thoughts - it reminded me of a book that my mum had year's ago, called, Food Combining for Health.
I want to sleep now though so will try to hold some of those thoughts.

In the meantime, the girls have been very quietly amusing themselves. The Mutant has realised she looks just like the other when she is out of the jar. They both realise they are twins. They have set up a small shanty type arrangement realising there is little on hand in the desert lands beyond. The Mutant has had an interesting thought that the jar might be inverted somehow and so collect water to maybe create a garden of some kind. I see The Gardener has poked his head back over the horizon, most cautiously, and is looking on with a little interest.

Later still ... The next morning in fact ...
I should know better than to get a little optimistic. A ropey night's sleep and feeling really cold but then it's very icy outside.

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