London Eye

We left home at 7.45am as we had tickets to Winter Wonderland at 10.45am - a slight mistake on my part as I was supposed to book them for tomorrow! But, as it happened it worked really well as we had to be there early and we feel like we've had a really long day.

Alan's chosen and bought his watch for his birthday, we found a nice little French wine bar for a glass of fizz, checked in the hotel, walked along the Thames to Westminster, back up to Trafalgar Square, then to Somerset House for a mulled wine while watching the ice skating and back to the hotel for a drink before a long soak in the bath.

You all know how I've been longing for a soak in the bath, and for those of you who don't, we only have a walk-in shower. Anyway I'd brought lush bath bombs with me, so you can imagine my disappointment when we got to our room and found we only had a shower! I got straight on the phone to reception and asked if they had any rooms with a bath and within minutes they sent a porter to our room with a key to a room with a bath :-)

So, the night is young and you can guess where I'm heading now - after my luxurious soak we're going out for dinner to a Thai restaurant we've been to before, so I'll catch you later or in the morning. Hope you're having a good weekend!

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