Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Cracks are appearing

What a wet wet wet day.  It was raining when I got up and didn't stop until 3pm just in time to take Misty out for her second walk.  

I was getting bored indoors so thought I'd do some sorting out in the spare bedroom.  Noticed one of the outside walls was damp after I'd moved the guest bed away from it so started peeling the wallpaper off.  I have some horrible cracks in this room and when I pulled the wallpaper off the crack under the window it was much worse than I realised.  Hopefully the new soakaway is working and they don't get any bigger.  Think I'll have to hire a wallpaper stripper now to finish off what I wish I hadn't started :)

When I took Misty out after the rain stopped I noticed the fells had snow on the tops.  No more rain please we've had enough.

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