
By spishy

Unexpected Rodney

An alarming start to the week after our lovely weekend.... while I was away poor Estrella (teddy bear knitter of previous blips) took a bit of a tumble in the kitchen on to the hard floor. Just to make it worse, poor Ed (her daughter, my business partner) was suffering a bad case of food poisoning so was upstairs and unaware, AND the boys were watching the football and didn't hear Estrella calling.... disaster!


After a night in hospital Estrella was discharged with, thankfully, no broken bones but a terribly bruised and cut face, plus a shoulder injury.

I had been alerted that this had all occurred but it was a dreadful shock when I saw Estrella this morning. I'm afraid I burst into tears when I saw her poor injured face. However, I pulled myself together and soon fell into Florence Nightingale mode, with a few little humorous quips thrown in for good measure. Thankfully she has a marvellous sense of humour! She is such a lovely lady, I can't stand it when she is poorly.

Anyway, there was a robin hopping about outside right by the window and as I went to take his picture suddenly Rodney jumped up on the fence, scared him off and I ended up with his green eyed, whiskery face instead.

What a start to the week! Raining AGAIN

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