Surprise Treat!

I found this cake on my desk as i arrived at the office. I later found out that Oliver from the other room was giving away these ones earlier. It went well with the coffee i just bought from outside the building.

Thesis-wise, I am almost done with my current chapter (already at the Summary and Conclusion) and will be moving on to my last chapter starting tomorrow and then to my overall Summary and Conclusion chapter. Whew!

Money-wise, I just had  a big shock last week when i got this rather huge amount paid into my bank account. It was too huge for it to be my salary for the 10-hr inventory job that i did for our secretary. Apparently, my supervisor was able to find a stipend grant from the Chemistry department to fund me for two months. Yay! I didnt get any confirmation before i received the money in my account so it was a massive eye-popper for me. I am not quite sure if i have chronicled my problem with funding a few months ago and that i applied for funding from the university which i will not be able to get any information until January 2016. So receiving the stipend was a huge surprise and help to me at this point. Yay again!

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