
2years 255days

...Mummy has to order a decaff massismo cappucino "as dry as the Sahara". The barista's description.

Lots of fun today. I found online about a street jazz dancing school in our town. I then found out they run a mum and toddler dancing class. Katie said she wanted to go, so today we tried it for the first time. She really enjoyed it and grinned the whole way through. It was a bit young for her possibly but she loved it and it did her confidence a load of good as she understood everything asked of her, and got on with the whole class. It did show me just how good her ballet school is and how much she has learnt there already. But this is a lot of fun as some extra dancing for her.

After dancing (which sadly finishes for the summer now!) we cycled home and met a friend from Scarborough. We had a nice day out planned but the weather was against us, so we pottered round. We had a car picnic, went for a walk and a ccino before a couple of shops. During which time Katie blagged a new ellie with a monkey on it from our friend. It is very cute though!

Lastly, we stopped off at the garden centre. It was the first time we'd been since it reopened. Katie was really pleased to go back to see fishes and we went round several times. We had a wander in the new craft shop there, which Mummy thinks she'll return to for sure!

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