
By pensionspoet

Early Morning Sky

The best thing about getting up early and having a long drive to work is getting to see this kind of sunrise. I took this at Sustead.

The queues on the main road in towards the park and ride were long again today. The drizzle brings people out in their cars. I got to work at 8.40 having left home at 7.25 - it's 18 miles.

At lunchtime I did more bits and pieces shopping and got home at 5.30, where Jon was in the middle of cooking a chilli. After dinner it was a drive to Matlaske to pick up the landrover, then back home to drop it off, & off to Morrisons in Cromer for the food shop. We got home at 8.00 at which point I started the baking. The plan was to make Mollie's birthday cake, so that she can decorate it tomorrow. I'm rubbish at baking....& it had started so well. Anyway, we have a (flat) cake which I'm sure will be fine once decorated!

So a late night tonight & a busy day ahead tomorrow, with an even busier weekend!

Sleep is needed!

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