
By Leiflife

Gazing Outward

Here is a back blip in remembrance of the daily walks so recently embarked upon with pleasure and a sense of freedom. The freedom came because I finally allowed myself to walk sans Music, who is now unable to go any distance. The walks were revelatory, and after a hesitant beginning, I had reached my stride, but was always ready to pause for the pleasure of aiming my camera and recording the wonder. 

I like this photograph, partly because it was cold enough to wear my old beret...so often worn on the streets of Paris during a chilly October. But mostly I think I may have miraculously captured a little of the wonder and renewal I was feeling on those walks. 

I am not implying that the walks are over, only on pause until I know for sure what is causing the pain, and find a way to alleviate it to some extent. I am blipping this to affirm those walks and the marvelous good they were doing me at the time. The photo is a promise as well as a memory. 

Last night a lovely spontaneous moment took me to the library to return an overdue book. It was after dark and I don't really like driving at night. I think I just felt in need of a tiny getaway. Imagine my surprise at finding my daughter, Moira, about to lead a meditation class. My spontaneity was still with me. I joined the class. Actually, there were only two of us. Yes, my leg hurt as I sat, but mind and heart took flight on the wise and gentle currents of my daughter's voice. Dear God, the peace of that receiving. My child as teacher of my elderly self. And I was open... And I was open... So be it!

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