Gloster Pioner (Tesco style)

We have an office in Gloucester Business Park. A rather soulless modern motorway junction development, where rents are supposed to be cheaper than the city centres; and easier for folks to travel to.
Unfortunately all of these motorway centric monstrosities all have the same problem. They do not have enough car park spaces for the number of people housed in the offices; and to get to them without a car is nigh on impossible.

What makes this one more offensive than others I've been to is the fact that it used to be the Brockworth aerodrome.
The location of the UK's first successful lift off a jet engine propelled plane.

All that is left now is a rather shitty plaque (stuck out of the way, so most people never see it); a few patches of still flat ground; and this image on the side of a dreary 24 hour Tesco.

It's going the same way in Bristol where Filton airfield has been sold off to a bunch of Malaysian developers who are going to put another business park and houses. The only benefit of this; is actually being in an already built up area; so public transport should be better.
But at least the last every concorde to fly will be right on your doorstep (it's been sat just off the runway since the last flight - exposed to the elements and slowly rotting away).
And whilst all this is happening the offies in the centre of Bristol are one-by-one being turned into hotels and 'luxury' student accommodation.
At least this will prevent the traffic problems I guess as the only people going into town will be shoppers. All the office workers will be heading out to business parks on the edge of town.

The stupid thing is, if my company still had the office in the centre of Bristol that they used to have, or the one half a mile from C's school, then I could cycle to both of them.

Climate change? European Green Capital?

If you want to do something productive; stop pushing offices out of city centres.

Man up and actually build some big offices (skyscrapers in fact) in more city centres, and encourage companies in, rather than penalising them.

<Rant over>

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