Take Two

Not a good day today... John had a hissy fit and had a melt down.  I will say no more! 

When we got home yesterday there was a message left on the phone which I didn't get until later in the evening.  It was the OT from the hospital asking me to ring her. She said ACC were not going to cover me for help with getting up stars and showering and that she will have to get up with another way to help me.  After leaving a message for her today and calling a few other times I heard nothing which I thought was odd. 

My cast was really lose and rubbing on my shin. I rang the hospital and they told me go up there this afternoon.  Also I am covered bruises from the wheelchair.  When I was getting my cast redone the OT came to see me.  The one I am dealing with isn't there today so that is why my calls were not returned.  It was found the wheelchair handles were not put on wrong. Now they are in the right place all is ok now.  Apart from all of my bruises.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day .. As my bed has just arrived and my son is putting up for me. 

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