Today's Special

By Connections

Brava/Bravo & Blipmeet

Our three-day focus on live music concluded with this afternoon's Amadeus Chamber Music Festival "Hungarian Rhapsody" concert, the last of a series of six chamber music concerts organized by The Amadeus Project (TAP). This fine nonprofit performing and visual arts center in downtown Bellingham provides music education to students of all ages, irrespective of their ability to pay, and an intimate performance space with excellent acoustics.

TAP's new chanber music festival, taking place over the two weekends before the much larger Bellingham Festival of Music, featured performers from throughout the Pacific Northwest. Today's program included Beethoven's Serenade in D major, Op 8, for string trio; Dohnanyi's Serenade for String Trio; and Brahms' Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 25, No. 1. It was stirring, evocative music, and thrilling to watch the interactions of the performers!

Leslie Johnson, the violist in today's performance, had her arms full of bouquets after the concert -- one for her participation in the event, and a still larger one for the outstanding work she did as artistic director of the Amadeus Chamber Music Festival's inaugural season.

And the Blipmeet? Who should we see when we walked into The Amadeus Project but our friend and sister blipper Artist Annie, and her husband! Over the past few weeks, she has posted an oustanding series of photos (and short videos) of a baby hummingbird's hatching and growing on Blipfoto, beginning here. Be sure to check them out, if you haven't already done so!

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