
By DancingAly

Red Eye

I took this as I walked back across 'my' bridge last night/this morning.

I got home after 2am, and went to bed around 3am. I slept in until 10am, and felt fine this morning. 

It was grey and miserable today. I swear, all of November has been a blur of grey/rain/gloom, and it's been unseasonably warm. I'm looking forward to blue skies and cold crisp December days I hope will come before long.

I planned to go for a run at lunchtime, but the rain made me give it a miss! I did feel very motivated today, and did some ab work on my dad's new ab trainer. Plus I went to gym this evening and worked hard. I did weights, back walkovers, giants, and some beam. It was a bit quieter tonight but it was really nice.

I tried to pretend it isn't Monday tomorrow, and stayed up till 1am. I was a little bit tired....

Nothing much to report today (Monday). Things are constantly on my mind. I've been quite inspired by Oprah this week (courtesy of youtube), and come across some interesting advice. One such topic was about your ego and your sense of self. I was trying to think about it on Saturday, as one example was about how you already have all you need. I kept trying to use that and perhaps make it my mantra. " I have everything I need to make me happy". Anything else is just a bonus. Life Class

It might be harder to put into practice but I'll have a go. One lady gave an example, where others gave her their perspective on her, and instead of getting cross/upset, she answers "you could be right". As she explained "that's their story of me, not mine". 

It's like I'm deliberating worrying about lots of my decisions. Should I do the GDL? Am I clever enough? Will I fail? I already have a perception of myself, but that's been made up of other people's perception of me. Who can say whether I am capable enough or not? 

"Every dream starts with fear. The dream has to be bigger than the fear."

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