Reclaimed land!!

That might sound a bit of an exaggeration, but the area covered by the paving slabs was originally in the front garden, a total waste of space. So when we replaced the fencing we got the guys to move the dividing panel forward and put the space in the back garden.

B has made me a bench to fit in the space, so that I can store the empty pots and plants that are being hardened off.

I’ve spent 7hrs in the garden today, starting with the arrival of the kennel for the dogs (In extras). Another flat pack on the back of a lorry and two cheery chappies who had it erected in less than an hour!! The rest of the time was spent moving stuff about, repotting, planting out and clearing up after myself.

Indoors we had a tiler working on the bathroom….progress…..the plumber should arrive tomorrow to work on the bathroom and hopefully finish off the utility room job started last Friday, but on hold waiting for “something”. The lack of "something" means that I cannot use the washing machine.

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