Christmas Cheer.

After the gym this morning, J met me, and we went straight down to a friend of ours. He called yesterday, to ask J ,if he would come and have a look at his patio doors, which weren't closing properly. Luckily , he solved the  problem for him, and when we were about to leave, he gave J this bottle of beer, and a bottle of wine for me. The beer is  7% alcohol, and it's described as a smooth, fruity, full bodied ale, the perfect companion for Christmas savouries, sweets and snacks. The bottle is almost an oval shape, like the old medicine bottles of days gone by.  Other news today is, our g/daughter had the results of her course work, and got 62 out of 65.   I think that is amazing. She has to do a presentation on Friday, and she has chosen Patagonia as her subject. She has to show five slides, and talk for a minute on each one. She sounds positive , so hopefully she will do well.  Friday is her last day of her first term. .

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