Swimmers' Log Book


New bike!

Had a gorgeous photo of one of Mum's freshias for today but then H and I got home from swimming and one of our neighbours came up and offered H a bike. Quick change of saddle height and she was off. Only last week she was saying how she wanted a bike with a stand - this has a stand and 6 gears to boot; needless to say she was over the moon!

I'm pretty chuffed with myself too as I swam my first session with Bromley Masters Squad while H had her lesson. It was tiring but fun! Lots of tweaking of my stroke to be done, but actually quite nice to have someone say what I'm doing wrong (and occasionally right =) ). They even attempted to teach me to tumble. I kept ending up with my bottom on the floor. Oh well, as I say to H, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again."

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