
By spitzimixi

action heroes

sometimes the best action isn't on the stage.

This afternoon I was busy photographing festival go-ers jumping the Holy Pineapple - though some people weren't too keen to jump and rather squeezed their way past risking setting fire to themselves. These people were most definitely in the "more desire to have no fun than sense" sector of the human race. What *is* so bad about jumping over a pineapple? Everyone who jumped got a cheer, so what's the big deal, why refuse and get cross and then try and walk through a flame to avoid jumping over the totally socially unacceptable bad bad bad pineapple?
Anyway, as I was saying, I was watching the unfolding pineapple saga when this scene unfolded behind me - two heavily armed warriers (they not only had water pistols but also a plastic bottle and some tongs!!) were slowly moving up onto a group of lads who were busy sitting around drinking beer and dozing....they were hiding behind a tent, which they were carrying with them...obviously everyone in the group of lads noticed the tent moving towards them but they didn't seem to suspect that they were about to get raided and were suitably shocked when they came wildly rolling out from behind the tent and squirted them all. Then they decided to do it again....and as the element of surprise was well and truly missing they just pretended it was there.
Shortly after all this, the pineapple worshippers and others had a fantastic improvised drumming session using tent poles as sticks and anything that made a noise as a drum. Other people were busy ripping apart their tents and creating sculptures. It was all very fascinating to watch.
Obviously the mami + ecologist in me was busy wanting to tell people off but the sheer creativity of all these people really was great fun. I just wish they'd tidied up after themselves.....

I did a lot of jumping around with a child on my shoulders today (to this and this, mainly) and now I've unpacked, washed everyone, cooked for tomorrow and am busy collapsing with a cup of tea. Granny is home.

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