Montrose Church

Bit of a catastrophe this morning. Was heating up some milk in the microwave when I noticed flashing blue lights from inside. Before I could switch it off there was an explosion. When I opened the microwave door the inside was covered by a grey ash. Luckily there is an Argos in Montrose - so a nice new all-white microwave now adorns my kitchen. After that I set up my Birdcam after a few monhs lull. Some nice shots but all very blurred - I think I will have to adjust the focus a bit. 4 pm and in need of the daily blip. Lovely sunset, but by the time I got down to the bottom of the garden it had gone:-(  So blip for the day - Montrose Church taken at full zoom.  According to google Distance Finder it is 3 miles from my house, so not bad and worthy of a place in Blipland methinks.

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