Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG


I'd heard that a kickball league plays at the neighborhood park on Sundays but my timing has never been right to catch a game until this morning. I'd also heard that the kickball games are more of an excuse to party than to compete, and this blurb on one of the local websites confirms that:

We at Underdog Kickball encourage rivalries, cheering, and general fun; but if you are an individual looking for an extremely competitive sport, our leagues may not be for you. Remember, it's just kickball, you can't really get that worked up or mad about's just kickball. The idea behind kickball - past and present - is to have fun first, win second. Win or lose, what's better than being out there having fun with friends? And... the upside of kickball for grown-ups is the chance to go to a local sponsor bar after the game, socialize and hang out.

I certainly had fun watching them play and shooting photos.

If you're not familiar with the sport, it's a bit like baseball, only you kick a big ball instead of bat a small one. I remember playing it in grade school, a few years ago.

If you're curious, here are the rules.

I love the action in this shot, and particularly love the under/over wear the young woman in the foreground is wearing.

More photos in a slideshow here.

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