Green boats (Day 213)

I thought the weather yesterday was grim, today was a whole lot worse. The dogs gave up on their morning walk, retreating to the car rather than face pea sized hailstones hurled on a 50mph wind.
My beautiful wife and I had offered to look after Evie the Wonderdog until tomorrow evening as my folks have a funeral to go to on one of the other islands. We collected Evie and took her for the afternoon wander along the shore, accompanied by very strong winds and vicious hail showers.
The challenge for the day was provided by Wheeliebloke and is supposed to be symmetry. There are two dive boats in Stromness that work as a pair, both painted the same colours and always tied up together. I did my best to get a reasonable shot of them between the hail showers.
The extra shot today is a bit of sunshine and showers over Hoy. Apologies about the rain spots on the lens, but it was that kind of day. I was having difficulty standing up and holding the camera still.

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