Concrete Jungle
When you pave over a desert you must create a place for that water to flow. Seeing all the blips about the rain across the pond and needing a blip I took a walk through the neighborhood. Yes this is among the residential houses. Through the industrial areas there are very wide spillways.
Still this was only designed to handle heavy rain. In July of this year it rained so hard it took out a bridge on Interstate 10 and severely damaged another that for a short time there was a long detour.
Struggling a bit today... Signs on the highway are asking drivers to please slow down and save a life... Somebody made a mistake and isn't going home tonight or will be with their loved ones this holidays.
It is one aspect of this job that I wish would go away...
Putting a fat happy bird in the extra... Saw him on a wall and made me smile.. Needed that...
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