A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Recovery day

After the <cough> o'clock bedtime and the 7.15am alarm call to take Anna to RCM there really should have been more of this. Though I did sneak a post-disco nap when we got back. I think it helped but honestly it's hard to tell. I think when the natural progression of a hangover is so rudely interrupted by an alarm and having to actually function there is no real comeback. Though in some ways I was glad to take Anna as I really love being there and it makes me feel that I haven't been entirely useless for the whole day.

Meanwhile Carl took J for another oxygen session so that's three down.

Now a restorative Carlos curry, catch up with Only Connect (I don't rate my chances of involvement) and Dr Who and a weird sense of relief at having made it through the day.

Btw, if you want to know where we were check out coffindodgersdisco.com. It was so much fun and we will definitely return. I will just plan my Saturday morning better.

Lesley x

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