Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Long in the tooth

"I'm very annoyed with my dentist."
"Don't blame you".
"I haven't had my any  teeth for ages. Can you do anything?"
"Do you want me to beat them up?"
"Well let's see how we get on next week. If I don't get them back next week, then you can".

Hope she doesn't hold me to that. 

She has been without her front dentures for several weeks, despite my sister's tireless efforts to sort the problem out. Maybe the dentist is on safari or something. Didn't stop her sucking the jam out of a doughnut and washing the whole thing down with a latte. Likes her coffee my mum, and something with.

As for the rest:

Windy day.
TSM went to see the Yoga Mama.
We painted again. Looking very nice actually. Bright. Cheerful. Uplifting.

Opening a bottle of wine with friends tonight. And tomorrow:

More painting.

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