A Gloomy Day

So the next chapter in the Blip story is being planned.

For some reason I feel completely disgruntled about the whole thing.
I have spent most of the day trying to work out why I feel so angry and why I have a problem with it....

I eventually worked it out....I remember what Blip used to be like before it got big, before the BAFTAs, before money....and it was a cool place, a very cool place!

People talk about the sense of community before the whole Polaroid thing. What they don't know is that it was already dying before that.
I don't blame them for their take on it because they weren't here in the "good old days"

On the positive side there are some good people here, some of whom I am now pleased to call friends but as I said to one of them last night I will still be their friend with or without this site.

I will not do anything rash today or tomorrow but my feeling at the moment is that I will not invest as I believe the project is not viable, it's bordering on delusional, and I certainly don't want any of my hard earned cash passing into the hands of the existing owners as part of a handover deal. There are still a number of unanswered questions regarding the Polaroid transitional period and for me there are things that just don't stack up.

We shall see but I have that horrible sinking feeling that I will be writing my final speech in the near future.... 

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