Down to the sea (Day 212)

Another rubbish day weatherwise. I squelched up the hill whilst being pelted with rain driven on a strong wind. It was unpleasant.
I had to make a quick trip into town and took the chance to stock up on some provisions.
Back home and we got on with some stuff around the house before collecting the woofers and heading to the beach in Evie. Afterwards, we left the dogs with my folks while we wandered around Stromness looking for something to fit the challenge set by my beautiful wife - street photography.
I have always liked the streets of Stromness which are laced with little alleys and glimpses of the sea.
The extra pic today was my other choice for a blip today. I like the curve in the street, and HV centre stage :)
Looking forward to seeing what Wheeliebloke comes up with...

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