Birmingham German Christmas Market

Te-Ann and I had a spur of the moment night out today at Birmingham German Christmas Market. I initially asked her to go to the market tomorrow but she suggested why not go tonight. Long story short, we found ourselves at Birmingham by 6pm. The stalls are selling the usual frankfurters, bratwurst, german food products, mulled wine , cookies, chocolates, and much more. The 1/2  metre Bratwurst sausage was delish and although i was struggling to finish it, i was succesful in devouring everything after more than 30mins of munching on it. I had hot apple wine afterwards which was tasty but made me a little bit sleepy. It wasnt that bad though since i still was able to go back to the office afterwards (10pm) and work. The new Birmingham train station was also looking very good (Extra Photos section). It was apparently opened by Queen Elizabeth II a few months ago.

I had a good laugh this afternoon while i was in the middle of writing. I opened my mail and saw a spam email from Coventry Funerals offering me pre-paid funeral plans even without having to undergo health check-ups. I found it very funny because it seemed like the universe is saying that my death is imminent from all this thesis writing that i am doing. I told my labmate about it and we just laughed our hearts out.

Speaking about imminent death, BlipFoto is in the middle of a battle again. I think it has been since the start of the year anyway. Blip Central sent a plea for help and i believe it was initiated by 4 active members of the Blipfoto community. Apparently the current owners are not keen into supporting Blipfoto anymore and so a buyout is in the works. Blipfoto is being offered for the community to own it to continue its existence. I have no idea about investments and anything remotely associated with it so I am not sure I understood everything from the link that they provided. I do however wish that everything will work out fine and that enough interests (and money i would assume) will be generated from the initiative.

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