Hot sauce

We went out for a meal on Tuesday night with some work colleagues, to a restaurant that makes its own specialist sauces. The BBQ sauce is famous in Budapest and as I'd never been I was looking forward to it.
I order chicken wings as a starter the waitress asked if I'd like them spicy, well the answer was yes.
Now I like up to about a Madras in curry strength not the hottest but certainly not the weakest. My chicken wings came and were covered in an orangey sauce which I assumed was the BBQ, I picked the Wing covered with the most sauce and dived in eat all the sauce and wing it took about a minute during that time I thought this is warm then this is hot then woof then omg I'm on fire, it was honestly the hottest thing that I've ever eaten, it was so hot my eyes and nose were streaming and the pain was immense, much to my colleagues amusement who could only laugh and post photos of me on Facebook. When I'd regained my speech and use of my tongue I asked what the sauce was, it was 95% Blairs ultra death sauce made out of the ghost chilli which is 900 times stronger than the jalapeño chilli and comes in at over a million on the scoville scale. Incidentally I've bought a bottle for some fun with my I can eat anything friends and I cried again 12 hours later :-)

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