The Waterside

I really could have stayed in bed this morning and stayed in it as long as possible – but the school run beckoned.  It was raining when we left for school, but by the time I had done my PTA chores, the rain had stopped and the sun was out.  Although not feeling full of life, I had seen the weather forecast and thought that this might be my only opportunity for some fresh air.  I wandered to the river, for a very short walk and was exhausted, then I had to walk up the hill to get home.

I have achieved very little today apart from returning library books, planting some bulbs – which now need to be put in the dark, a bit of shopping, including another couple of Christmas presents and a new woolly hat for BB.

The weather has taken a turn for the worse.  More rain and gale force winds.  We were to be heading over the Forth Road Bridge tomorrow, but that won’t be happening now.  We need to reconsider our plans.

The river was quite full today.  There was much less water here.

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