at the end of the Blip tunnel?
If you don't know what I am on about see the video or Blip Central's Blog but more importantly sign up to the Blipfuture website and see all the information. Ferg's Blog is also a good source of information.
I think lots of people had their fingers burned and are rightly cautious (myself included) but having registered and read the information surrounding the new proposals, I am supporting the 4 dedicated blippers behind Blipfuture.
The past is past. It's time to stop moaning and decide once and for all if we want Blip to continue. Without this new proposal it's clear it won't. Yes it would have been better to have this option a year ago or at the start of 2015 but better late than never.
I love this site, I love the friends I have made through it and I love recording my ordinary life one day at a time. I don't want to lose my journal or the contact I have with fellow blippers all over the world.
I want to thank the four dedicated Blippers who have taken up this challenge and got the proposals this far. Your dedication is laudable. I am keeping everything crossed it works.
In other news it's very windy outside. Can all of Scotland please refrain from eating lentil soup for the next 24 hours. I am expecting some special blip pals for our annual Pre-Christmas get together tomorrow and the wind is making them nervous!!
*colour version in extras
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