My changing life

By Shelley2011

Josie's party

Today Melody slept quite late which was great as we were expecting a rough night of sickness after last night, but she must have just over eaten as she was fine. Today after getting ready we went to Devonport park family day for armed forces day - I grew up in the army on an army camp as my dad was in the forces but it was cancelled as they didn't want the 'fair to ruin the grass'! Rubbish! Had cuppa with sash and ste instead in park caff - then I went to josies first bday party with jem in her lovely new house and then to gran and grandads for lovely dinner scones and artic bomb! Two desserts is not helping my figure! Melody is so funny at the moment - she has perfected her fake laugh! It's so funny! As soon as adults start laughing she joins in! Very comical! The hv said it's common and an essential social skill! She also copies coughing and claps her hands if u say to do so.. This is weird as we haven't ever taught her this but has worked out the words - Josie was cute doing the actions and scream to row ur boat and blowing kisses - funny what they pick up from around them!

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