Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Green Living

I try to be green, I do my bit but not enough. I failed in my local food diet (although it's easier in summer), I am still driving to work and still putting bleach down the toilet.
BUT I do compost, all my vegetable waste and as much of the garden waste as I can cram into my two compost bins. Last year's product is fantastic as you can see - only slight problem is the tea bags haven't quite rotted down yet, maybe I should tear them up first.

This wee kitchen bin is sweet and much prettier than the green plastic ones the council provide, I don't mind it sitting in the kitchen.

I'm off out to chase some light and get the curry I missed on Friday, but if I don't succeed with the light and the wine kicks in too soon - this may be my WBC entry on the theme of "Green".

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