Thursdays = Art days

Poor Asha did NOT want to go swimming with school today - tears this morning! She's scared of jumping in, & although she loves everything else, the jumping in overshadows all the fun stuff for her. Anyway, Danny went and watched & said she was obviously nervous, but ok. 

Today was my retreat day for last month, I went and sat in a café with Bible & books & soaked up truth!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) These retreat days - so glad we've built something into our community rhythm that makes time & priority for time out & listening.
2) A messy afternoon with Asha - painting first, then creating things out of lollipop sticks, feathers & pipe to chat with her over a creative task...and to watch her ideas come out when presented with 'stuff' but no instruction as to what to do with it. She went off to her art class after this...
3) Family!! *Briefly* spoke to my Dad today...Skyped my Aunt & Uncle who I've not chatted to for aaages....heard that Danny's cousin is expecting twins...looking forward to seeing all these WONDERFUL people in a few short weeks...

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