
By tepeka

I got a monkey!

Today just happens to be the anniversary of the occasion of the blessed birth (or Dad's birthday, as the kids mundanely insist on calling it), and this handsome chap was lurking inside a surprise gift from a blipper in France. 

It's not quite as random as it seems, as I'd previously expressed a wish to have my own monkey. To say I'm impressed by this display of thoughtfulness would be a huge understatement, especially as this monkey provides 90% of the fun with 100% less poo-ing and gouging-out of eyes. (And I'd already received a present from this blipper, so wasn't expecting anything. I have a silly grin on my face. Yes, it's my 12th birthday, obviously.)

It's been a good morning all round, with some fun gifts. My family seem to think I'm somewhat older than my years, however, as presents included a pair of slippers and a footstool. No doubt they're saving the Zimmer frame for Christmas...

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