Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Time for a Tune Up

My lovely piano, a Knabe baby grand that I've played since I was six, has performed tirelessly for many, many years. Two days ago, the 'soft' pedal went limp, and its rod broke right off -- the first issue I've ever had with this instrument in all these years.

I immediately contacted my trusty piano man over at Winter Creek Piano Works, only to learn that he has retired from piano maintenance. He did, however, provide a glowing recommendation for a young woman relatively new to the business, but highly skilled and very thorough.

So today, Vada (pictured) came to the house and repaired the broken rod, made some adjustments to the rest of the pedal mechanism, vacuumed and cleaned out the piano's interior, and gave it a meticulous tuning - all for a very reasonable price. I learned that despite the fact that the last tuning was about five years ago, the piano has held its pitch very well. I also learned how to use the middle pedal - the sostenuto pedal - ignored by me for all this time! 

Vada is definitely a "keeper"! She knows her pianos, she's prompt, friendly, and did an excellent job on my piano. I can't recommend her highly enough! And most importantly, the piano sounds great!

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