living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

The big 100!

100 blips with no skips! I'm kind of surprised I'm at 100 already. Wish me luck for the next 260 (at least)!

I started blip as a way to document the life of my littlies and a way to keep in touch with my family and friends in the states (though it would be even more fun if they would join blip too, so if you are reading this friends or family in the states - or any friends or family you should join blip. It's fun!) but has become more than that already. I love the little journals I find along the way, unexpectedly. The ones that make me laugh or cry. The stories of people's lives that are so similar to mine and the ones that are so different, too. Also, it's difficult to be surrounded by beautiful images without trying to produce some of my own- I hope my eye and technique are improving along the way.

Here are a few of my favourites from the past 99-

Happy Blipmonth to me!
Baby Blip
Time is Running Out
Upside Down

Oh and this photo was Haaaaaard to get (and it could be better)! Now I know why they say never to work with children or animals...

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