One year on

Yesterday was the first anniversary of me leaving the day job with the Open University. I formally held the post until Christmas Eve and I did finish some work off at home but a year yesterday was the last time I was in the office in East Grinstead. I thought I'd take a little time to reflect on the last year.

Leaving wasn't easy and the early part of this year was lumpy at times but right now I'm probably the healthiest I've been in many years. Far less stressed, taking more exercise and eating well. 

I've applied for two jobs in the year. I've been interviewed for both and got one - the week tutoring at an OU residential school. The other interview was such that when I sat down and they started talking at me I knew that it wasn't for me. That doesn't mean that I've not been working - stuff comes in and I'm still an OU tutor - but I'm not working full time and I don't imagine that I'll do that again unless the job is absolutely "perfect". I've also not managed to stay out of prison completely.............

I've found that I actually enjoy not having to pile out of bed at silly o'clock. I've found that I enjoy jumping in the car without any clear plan of where I'm going but knowing that I'll get some fresh air and a walk wherever it is. I also enjoy simply sitting with a book and a cup of tea without feeling that I should be doing some work. I really enjoy not being defined by what I do for a living.

Of course this year hasn't been so kind for colleagues who stayed with the university as it has been announced that a further seven offices will shut. Friends who started commuting to the Camden office in the belief that it was "safe" in the locations review now find that it is scheduled for closure with the others. 

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