Chickadee at rest...

Dear Diary,

For those of us who know and love the little black cap chickadee, this will come as a bit of surprise.  It did for me at least.  This little fellow simply sat on the edge of the feeder for the longest time...2-3 minutes at least.  And for a chickadee, that is an eternity!  Usually they fly in, grab a seed and fly off in almost a continuous motion.  I have never seen on sit still for so long.

The light on its feathers was so lovely and as the little bird sat contemplating the seeds, it would pick one up from time to time then chose another, I was able to contemplate this gentle soul.  It was a real gift.  Perhaps it was amazed to find it was the only one at the feeder this other birds or squirrels around.  This reminded me of a photograph I took a couple of years ago of Gaylord "meditating" in the late day sun on a cold winter's day.  I've added it as an extra today.

Maybe my contemplative lifestyle is beginning to wear off on my furred and feathered friends!

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