Not So Hot

Wednesday, Sugar had the pleasure of going to her old daycare for half of the day.  She misses her daycare provider so much.  They have a special bond, and we just don't get together enough.  They had a good time catching up together. 

I had a hectic time at work...rushing to get done with many tasks, so that I might get to leave early. I was successful...mainly because there was hardly anyone at work.  

I grabbed Sugar, and we ran a few errands.  Picked up a friend, and met a third friend for a group guitar lesson.  It was great.  I had a nice time chit chatting with one of the friend's dad.  When the lesson ended, we took her friend home, and headed on home....with a stop for a special treat for the Sugar.  A "not so hot" hot chocolate.  YUM!  She loved it.  It has been soooooooooo cold lately.  

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