Xmas Tree!

I finally got my tree today! I went somewhere I used to pass on my way to work - it's a sawmill down a very long, uneven, pot holed track! But once there it was a  beautiful  U shaped building with twinkling lights! It put me in a right festive mood! There was even a reindeer ...... made of wood of course!
Once home I went up to the attic to find the tree base my hairdresser had given me one year! I was expecting it to be quite a feat finding and extricating it from behind my rail of clothes and plethora of boxes, suitcases, rolled carpet, spare wooden folding chairs.......all manner of things! But I dived through the clothes at just the right point and immediately laid my hands on it! The tree  stood up beautifully in it  and I removed the white net securing it's branches and snipped off the red label. Oh dear - should have read the label - "saw off 2cm" Out of the base it came and I set at it with my hacksaw. I can tell you t took a fair bit of sawing ( and swearing and sweat! )
Next task was putting the new heated mat in Gunther's new home. This meant taking the plug off, feeding the wire through the small hole at the back which meant pulling out and climbing over the back of an armchair! Then the screws wouldn't go back in! I also had to sweep the sand out the way to lay it down and then sweep it all back over it! Gunther wasn't sure where it was safe to hide - and just when he thought it was safe and ventured out of his hiding place I'd begin faffing around again! 
Earlier that day I had tried to work out the amount of wormer to give Dotty - it finally came down to 0.1875 g in 937 g of feed!!!! I'd need micro scales to measure that so resorted to a snifter in some yogurt!! I syringed this down her throat and gave some to Tilly just to be on the safe side. Dotty seems ok in herself but any eating or drinking leads to a serious bout of head shaking which often sees her fall over as she loses balance! When the chickens had it a few years ago they made a very loud and distinctive "bark" but no head shaking. Looking up the symptoms of it again I found head shaking listed so I reckon I am right in my diagnosis, so no more anti biotic injections - that at least should please Dotty!
Many thanks to blipper Pleach who told me  St Brigid  is the patron saint of chickens and Freespiral who gave me an Etsy link to St Brigid crosses!!! My shopping list just keeps getting longer! At the top is Botanist gin from MotherShipton!!!

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