Oddball day!

Lovely day weather wise. Came back from church, had breakfast then tackled this house that has become so shamefully mocket manky. In the process anyone stupid enough to be in my way were treated to a barrage of "go clean your room its a piggery" . Then decided to go to Kilberry to watch the sheepdog trials but only got a few miles along the road when I met the tarring machine and decided to give up and turn back! Went along the Crinan road & saw a notice saying horse riding & cafe Achnamara hall, got there and ...nada so presume it was either done or was yesterday. I thought I cant be buggered driving to either Crinan or Tayvallich so just grabbed the above shot of some sort of flower pot person (they are a strange bunch in Achanamara) This is the second such flower pot person and thus the title "an darna" which is Gaelic for the second while the other flower thingy has the title "an cheud" the first.. Like I said they are an odd bunch of folks out there in the sticks! Twasnt till I got home and processed the picture that I noticed the ducks so thats a bouns and could eilsly be titled "an treas" the third! Anyhows back home as I still need to do a washing and pack before my travails to Tiree tomorrow.
Happy blipping all

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